2014年6月6日 星期五

jQuery 隨手寫!

jQuery 的線上庫可以選擇 jQuery官方網站  或者 Google Hosted Libraries

<script src=//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js></script>

<!-- 程式碼撰寫區 -->


<!-- 程式碼撰寫區 -->

2014年6月5日 星期四

Eclipse Google AppEngine(Python) 參數

Host name to which the local Development Console should bind (default: localhost).

Port to which the local Development Console should bind (default: 8000).

Uses the local computer's Sendmail installation for sending email messages.

Prints a helpful message then quits.

The host address to use for the server. You may need to set this to be able to access the development server from another computer on your network. An address of allows both localhost access and hostname access. Default is localhost.

The lowest logging level at which logging messages will be written to the console; messages of the specified logging level or higher will be output. Possible values are debug, info, warning, error, and critical.

The port number to use for the server. Default is 8080. If multiple servers are launched, they will be assigned subsequent ports (e.g. 8081, 8082, etc).

By default, development server logs are stored in memory only. This option turns on disk storage of logs at the location specified by LOGS_FILE, making the logs available across server restarts. For example,devappserver.py --logs_path=/home/logs/boglogs bog

Disables automatic generation of entries in the index.yaml file. Instead, when the application makes a query that requires that its index be defined in the file and the index definition is not found, an exception will be raised, similar to what would happen when running on App Engine. The default value is no.

The hostname of the SMTP server to use for sending email messages.

The port number of the SMTP server to use for sending email messages.

The username to use with the SMTP server for sending email messages.

The password to use with the SMTP server for sending email messages.

Path at which all local files (such as the Datastore, Blobstore files, Google Cloud Storage Files, logs, etc) will be stored, unless overridden by --datastore_path, --blobstore_path, --logs_path, etc.
